Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fun Summer Days

today, despite my joblessness and the despair that's usually associated with it, i managed to have a damn near perfect day.

-bike riding with a fresh breeze along the coast
-organic blueberry pomegranate sorbet from an ice cream truck that only uses organic, local grass-fed dairy
-fresh, bright green grass
-italian roasted pork sandwiches
-roasted potatoes with pork crispies
-perfect iced coffee
-good conversation
-edward cullen
-hugh jackman
-good friends
-puppies sniffing around for extra pork crispies i may have dropped

despite "having nothing to do" this summer, i feel like i've been doing plenty, even if it results in negative cash flow and extra calories! funemployment has its perks!

you can see the statue of liberty from governor's island. it brought to mind this conversation i overheard on the ikea ferry a few weeks ago when we passed her by. a mother was explaining to her 5-year-old child: "baby, that's the statue of liberty. it means that this is a free country and you can do whatever you want. except for when i say you can't."

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